Field Trips
Did you know you could book a field trip at FLIPS?
We are fortunate to have been part physical education program for various Aspen View schools. Typically split by grade level and class size, each group session is 50-60 minutes. After a quick orientation and rule review, our coaches start with a warm up and stretch. The class is put into groups by the teacher or facilitator and then rotate through the prepared circuits & stations. We utilize as much of the equipment as possible (with the exception of trampolines) to ensure students are able to try different skills & challenges. To keep it fun, the foam pit is a standard station. Whether you need two weeks or two days, we will tailor the schedule to suit you. Please contact admin@athabascaflips.ca to get your next field trip booked.
*Please note that dates are dependent on facility and coach availability.
Waivers and PIPA:
AGF waivers are to be completed once per session (paper or electronic). Participants who do not have completed waivers on file WILL NOT be allowed to participate (including caregivers and adults).